Wednesday, March 22, 2006

What News?

It has been tough to think about what might happen to Shimer in the future. I know, on a conscious level that the move it not going to be the end of Shimer, but that does not mean I’m falling all over myself about the move.

I’m curious, though, about the preparations. What is going on over there? It’s been a while since anything has been said one way or another. Has the building redesign been finished? When will students officially move? Is there some sort of last hurrah? Will there be a maypole one last time at Shimer? What will happen to reunions?

I know it’s a lot of questions, but I’m frustrated, worried, disconnected, and far away. Like all things, this place I miss and call home is changing, and I can’t be a part of it, so I wonder what is going on?

Anyone, and everyone, feel free to help those of us who are feeling either disaffected or disconnected know what is going on.



Friday, March 03, 2006

Welcome to IIT Bloggers!

          I have never personally addressed the issue of IIT Bloggers. In case it needs to be said: IIT students/bloggers are more than welcome to post here regarding this topic i.e. the leasing of space and the leveraging of curriculums. It would probably help to browse the posts a little so you know that we are not slamming IIT or its students. Most of the dissention has to do with the way the decision was presented and subsequently made.

     So, welcome IIT bloggers!
